Monday, October 22, 2012

Bead Soup!

We've been playing a little game called "Bead Soup"!  Based on the book "Bead Soup" by Lori Anderson, beaders all over the country have been having a good ol' time!  Bead World contributed a collection of beads and findings to three lucky beaders.  They then got to play, and report on their creations!  Sounds like fun, eh?

Michelle Buettner of MiShel Designs was the recipient of one of our bead soup collections.  (You can see the bead group she received at left.)  She sent us the sweetest note (read it below) and followed up with all kinds of fabulous pictures!

Hello there,
I’m Michelle (Shel) Buettner, of MiShel Designs, and I wanted to say thanks for including me in the Kalmbach Bead Soup Party.
I received my lovely cup of bead soup from “Bead World” and it just so happens that it’s one of the bead stores I shop at regularly here in town (Glendale, AZ)
I have posted some pics of the bead soup I received and my trip over to the Bead World Glendale, AZ store to purchase Lori’s book and also links to Lori Anderson’s Blog Tour this week, the Bead World Stores in the Valley and also to Kalmbach Books and the facebook page and pinterest board on my MiShel Designs blog last night and wanted to let you know.

Our own Vicki with Shel at Bead World Glendale

Gorgeous necklace!  I especially love the inclusion of the green silk ribbon!

Nothing enhances a stylish earring like great wire wrapping!

Beautiful work, Shel!

Best marketing image ever!

Michelle Buettne, of MiShel Designs -- simply amazing!
To learn more about Bead World

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